söndag 14 november 2010

Possums for Peace and faking orgasms are back in fashion

It's been a while Possums... I have quite a bit to tell. First of all Pavlova business went south. Debts up to my tits because of it but you can't keep a good woman down. What do the Japanese say, "Get up or I will kill you". Something along those lines...I have taken up Bikram Yoga and can truly recommend this to anyone who is looking for another way of being tortured under immense heat under the training of gorgeous yoga instructors- equal eye candy from both gender but as the heat eventually consumes you, you don't care who is high on the erotic capital points as you are stripped down to basic elements- water, air and time- Time to end the 90 minute session so you can die in a puddle of your own sweat in a corner. Why do it? Because after the session you feel like you have entered a state of nirvana bliss and that feeling keeps you going back in for more. There are also fast returns on the torture investment- drop pounds, become fitter, sleep better and sex life is given a new bolt of jolt. Any ages, any shape and any style. Try it. Bikram Yoga.

Ahh, faking orgasms you say... what about that... lets just put it this way- When you have been on a date with a man who considers himself a bit of ladies man with the younger generation of females usually those who wouldn't know an orgasm if it poked them in the eye, and then here is me being the mature age one with a body that has been made supple through yoga and who has demands and expectations in the bedroom department. Possums, I am too old to play "I don't mind. You go ahead and come before me,I can wait next time" There is no next time if he is over 40 something-lets get real. That's another calendar event; shaving, waxing- it's too bloody expensive. Well the sweetest and greatest power to a woman when in bed with a hyped up egotistical lover is fake an orgasm to teach him a lesson and then go home and enjoy your vibrator which is twice the man he is and knows how to hit the g-spot...more than once.
Remember the scene in Harry met Sally? Need I say more. Eller hur?

I will try and endeavor to write often, regularly and meanly.

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